Upptäck Equoz funktioner

Livscykelhantering för fastigheter och tillgångar

Håll koll på byggnader och tillgångar och behåll ekonomiska värden

Control & Manage maintenance

Our maintenance management and planning tools enable proactive and preventative workflow while simplifying documentation and follow up of executed tasks.

Minimize maintenance costs

Leverage our solutions to balance your budget across assets, ensuring cost-effectiveness. Benefit from a structured workflow and coordinated efforts that transform maintenance from reactive to proactive, optimizing your operations.

Reduce energy costs

Tap into significant saving opportunities with our energy consumption tool. Monitor, analyze, and reduce your energy costs.

Optimize space

Get support for dynamic floor plan management and real-time occupancy insights, ensuring every square foot is used effectively.

Workplace Optimization

Leverage insights from real use of offices and workplaces, align office design with company strategy and way of working.

Make Data-driven decisions

Leverage our data analysis and reporting tools. Get customized insights and predictive analytics to stay ahead in your operations.


And many more...

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